
Our highest level of consciousness is unlocked whenever we're given a chance to be part of a good story. Stories help us understand, escape, and construct reality. We're drawn to stories, whether we know it or not. My name is Bakary Diarrassouba, and I am The Vulnerable Creative who makes more space for more stories.

I create strategies, transform them into concepts, and lead creative teams that bring them to life. At the core of my work is building connections through stories. I help others find positive perceptions of themselves through Vulnerable Storytelling because this is the heart of meaningful human experiences. Vulnerability allows us to be authentic and fuels innovation. As The Vulnerable Creative, I am responsible for creating spaces that spark creativity and change—building a more equitable world where stories can lead to opportunities for growth.

I aim to do that through storytelling, entrepreneurship, and community building. Through beSouba, a vulnerable storytelling platform, I curate a hub for all stories. In 2020, I wrote and directed the award-winning film, The Journey of Souba. I’m a connaisseur of AI/ML at Google Labs, where I’m working on Google’s large language model Gemini as a Go-To-Market strategist.

I watch lots of football ("soccer") in my free time, run lots of miles, and drink even more tea. Welcome to my story. Through it, I hope to support you in finding your own. 
I look forward to creating, taking up, and making space together.